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For several years we have been faced with the emergence and spread of
microorganisms resistant to one or several antibiotics commonly used in the
treatment of infections, such as respiratory tract infections or meningitis. In some cases, pathogens have become resistant to all anti-infectious drugs,
leading to therapeutic failure. At the present time, this situation is not limited to the hospital ecosystem and nosocomial infections, but is spreading to the whole population and concerns community infections.

Antibacterial resistance is a global clinical and public health problem that has emerged with alarming rapidity in recent years and undoubtedly will increase in the near future. Resistance is a problem in the community as well as in health care settings, where transmission of bacteria is greatly amplified, in both developed and developing countries. Because multiple drug resistance is a growing problem, physicians are now confronted with infections for which there is no effective therapy. The morbidity, mortality, and financial costs of such infections pose an increasing burden for health care systems worldwide, but especially in countries with limited resources.

Resistance to antibiotics constitutes a major threat to public health and ought to be faced, by a better understanding of the numerous and “smart” mechanisms which bacteria have been developing with the passing years to escape the lethal effect of antibiotics. XTUM the combination of Ceftriaxone (3rd generation cephalosporin) and Sulbactam (beta-lactamase inhibitor) provides a solution for treatment of such bacterial infections caused by multi-drug resistant pathogens.

It is therefore critical to treat severe bacterial infections appropriately by starting antimicrobial treatment early in the course of infection, using the correct agent, at the most appropriate dose, and for an adequate duration. Indeed, early 'appropriate' antibiotic prescribing has been shown significantly to reduce.

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